July 29, 2018
Who'd have thought that after such a long time being back home I still have things to say about my exchange experience? Well not me. But trust me this update is an important addition to my experience and worthwhile to read.
June 12, 2018
Around two weeks ago, I got into the plane back to Vienna and my year abroad officially ended.
Here are some afterthoughts.
May 15, 2018
The end of my year abroad draws quickly closer. It seemed to be over in the blink of an eye. Here are some near end thoughts and updates.
May 03, 2018
Now this is something I still can't wrap my head around. This blog post is all about a daring move and three lovely days.
April 28, 2018
April was a very busy month, I had my ups and downs and experienced so much. Read about what I have been up to after the musical in this entry.
April 07, 2018
Get a glimpse into my busy Easter Holidays.
March 24, 2018
Destination: London.
I am very hyped and excited. Since I still have two hours till the plane takes off I will let you in on what I have been up to recently.
March 18, 2018
Just a quick update on my busy life and on how I spent St. Patrick's Day.
March 12, 2018
Find out what I have been up to and where I have been travelling recently. This post is full of updates and I am talking about something that is so unusual in Ireland, that the whole country shut down for several days (yes, it snowed).
February 17, 2018
Looking back on two amazing days of Work Experience and looking forward to a nice school-free adventurous week.