Okay so yesterday's update was long and detailed.
I just wanted to say that today has been pretty amazing this far. I auditioned for the school's play and it went really well. Getting up this morning wasn't much easier than the previous days though. I got to meet the rest of my teachers, a German student in the year above us and today at lunch I realized how much I missed speaking German as Benedicta bombarded me with that oh so wonderful Viennese Dialect. I also started to interact more with the local students, which is nice. My classes today were cool too.
Other than that, I am just exhausted. The fact that school ends at 16:00 is unfortunate, it somehow gives me the feeling that I wasted my day, that I can't do anything else that day, since it is already so late and since I am so tired from school. And I still have some homework to do.
Most of my friends back on the mainland started school today. A part of me misses that school system but (the bigger) part of me is glad that I have this experience. Because, getting out of school late aside, I really like my school here. I mostly got to choose what subject I want to have and since you don't necessarily have the same people in every class, you get to meet a lot of new students.
I'll later call Lisa, my friend from my former class who is currently enjoying her free day in Mississippi (she hasn't got any school today, how unfair), and ask how her exchange year has been this far.
Have a nice week y'all
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TheBigOne (Wednesday, 04 October 2017 19:31)
Hoffe es geht dir gut. Bleib stark��